Zombie Gnome

So it all started when I got professionals in to fix my savagely overgrown garden. They finished the job, cleared up and left. After I was left to contemplate their handiwork for some time, I couldn’t help but be drawn to the diminutive figure of my once proud garden gnome, positioned sheepishly against the wall. […]

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Trump Art

One man has persisted as an inspiration for many of my paintings and doodles. It’s time to showcase some piccies! I started out painting the supreme leader during the US primaries. One of the most lampoonable and colourful subjects of all. Doodled this mini-Trump during a boring agile meeting. Akuma is another favourite subject of […]

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Sci Fi Pinups

Pinup art is probably a cliche path for a concept artist to follow. That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to indulge, no matter how cheesy or self-indulgent these paintings are. I’m sure I should balance things out and depict male characters as well as female, but that didn’t happen when I painted sci-fi subjects […]

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Murder Bears

The Murder Bears are starting to rack up, so it’s time to present the latest ursine offerings… Tedward Scissorhands I had a go at this tribute to a classic Tim Burton movie. Evil Scientist This was possibly inspired by the LEGO crazy scientist minifigure… Bobo Bear In tribute to the coulrophobia wave that spread around […]

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Sci Fi Paintings – Summer 2015

Another batch of science fiction illustrations are about to hit the interwebs. Stephen Moffat’s ‘Blink’ episode was one of the greatest Doctor Who stories of all time. Being of more vintage years, my favourite doctor was always the fourth doctor, and so I had no choice but to combine the two in this painting. Another […]

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1980’s Action Heroes

So my latest little collection is a bunch of my paintings with a 1980’s theme. The 1980’s for me was very much about action heroes, and these paintings reflect that side of the era. Danielsan ‘Karate Kid’ had quite an influence on me. Ralph Macchio’s portrayal of Danielsan was a ton of fun. Together with […]

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Superhero Doodles

I have a love/hate relationship with superheroes. Where I stand is that I think that most superhero films are absolute crap. But I’m still a fan of the idea of superheroes, and the costume designs are a lot of fun to draw! I had a go at doing this Batman sketch over a decade ago… […]

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