Horror Paintings – Summer 2016

It’s been a while since I gave you anything, so here’s a little recent collection! I started off the summer with this fearsome bad boy. Nothing beats a bit of Cthulhu! The next of my ‘Murder Bears’ series was unleashed in mid-summer! Looks a bit more like a cat than a bear maybe… Finally, nothing […]

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Science Fiction

Star Wars was a huge influence in my early life, but as I grew more screen literate, I started to realise that the Star Wars movies were little more than the burger and chips of science fiction, and I found myself more interested in looking for steak. BBC Two in the early 1980’s often devoted […]

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One theme that captures my imagination is the concept of the grotesque. Doing paintings of horrible things is strangely satisfying. The idea of having poured hours into a creative piece that has something of a sinister or negative undertone is amusing to me. WARNING: Some of these paintings and the language used to describe them […]

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Evil Things

This is a fairly frequent theme of mine. Lately, I seem to be into portraying the nasty side of life and fantasy. When I was a kid, and into Star Wars, I was always more drawn by the awesome aura of Darth Vader and the Dark Side, than by the golden boy Luke Skywalker clan. […]

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