Sci Fi Pinups

Pinup art is probably a cliche path for a concept artist to follow. That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to indulge, no matter how cheesy or self-indulgent these paintings are. I’m sure I should balance things out and depict male characters as well as female, but that didn’t happen when I painted sci-fi subjects […]

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Sci Fi Paintings – Summer 2015

Another batch of science fiction illustrations are about to hit the interwebs. Stephen Moffat’s ‘Blink’ episode was one of the greatest Doctor Who stories of all time. Being of more vintage years, my favourite doctor was always the fourth doctor, and so I had no choice but to combine the two in this painting. Another […]

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Superhero Doodles

I have a love/hate relationship with superheroes. Where I stand is that I think that most superhero films are absolute crap. But I’m still a fan of the idea of superheroes, and the costume designs are a lot of fun to draw! I had a go at doing this Batman sketch over a decade ago… […]

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Sci Fi Doodles

Explorers Recently I’ve been getting into the business of drawing and painting space explorers. There’s something very naive and 1950’s about these costume designs. Perhaps the inspiration comes from b-movies. Finally, this is the sketch for the monster work I am putting together. It’s taking some time as there is a lot of detail! The […]

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Science Fiction

Star Wars was a huge influence in my early life, but as I grew more screen literate, I started to realise that the Star Wars movies were little more than the burger and chips of science fiction, and I found myself more interested in looking for steak. BBC Two in the early 1980’s often devoted […]

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Evil Things

This is a fairly frequent theme of mine. Lately, I seem to be into portraying the nasty side of life and fantasy. When I was a kid, and into Star Wars, I was always more drawn by the awesome aura of Darth Vader and the Dark Side, than by the golden boy Luke Skywalker clan. […]

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